Dj kou(東京都新宿育ち)日本のターンテーブリスト/DJ/ビートメーカー。1995年頃より活動開始。【Intuition/直感】を自身の活動のテーマに挙げ,これまでに3枚のオリジナルアルバム,1枚のコラボレーションアルバムを発表。HIP HOPを軸に自身のプレイにスクラッチ,エフェクト等を積極的に取り入れ様々なジャンルのミュージシャン達とボーダーレスな活動を展開。Terri Lyne Carrington,Shing02,Nujabes,Planet Asia等のアーティスト達の楽曲に参加している。
Dj kou ( raised in Shinjuku,Tokyo )
Turntablist / DJ / Beatmaker from Japan.
[Intuition] as the theme of his musical activity,
He began DJing at clubs around 1995.
As a beatmaker/producer, he has released Three original albums and one collaboration album so far.
Based on his HipHop background, He has adopted scratching, effects and other ideas and techniques in his DJing and built borderless relations with musicians of various genres.
He has played scratch on the songs of artists like Terri Lyne Carrington, Shing02, Nujabes, Planet Asia and so on.